Facebook's power continues to grow at an unsettling rate with its
partnership with TakeTwo Interactive following, the board of directors rejected the two-billion-dollar
bid by EA. This partnership, a primarily the initiative of Facebook,
aims to create a social media center for gaming, thus further allowing Facebook’s
power to grow, with a source quoting that if Facebook was a government agency,
its power would be as undisputed as it would be frightening. This draws
parallels to Coca Cola’s providing the king [of
Swaziland] with the economic strength to crush opposition and continue “milking
the country.” It seems that we are moving into an era where the power
wielded by massive corporations is beginning to have a larger and larger impact
on our lives, whether it be the effects of Coca Cola’s operations in Swaziland
or the fear
[of] what Facebook and its ilk are doing with the reams of personal data they
hoover up in our wake as we go about our business on the internet. As
such this newfound partnership between Facebook and TakeTwo Interactive needs
to be considered for its implications and the increasing power it gives to the
corporations involved.
FACEBOOK ARTICLE (http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/facebooks-power-should-worry-us-all-20111009-1lfu0.html)
COCACOLA ARTICLE (http://www.triplepundit.com/2012/01/coca-cola-power-swaziland-promote-social-justice/)
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